Red Hot Poker Plant Pruning


Red hot pokers are instantly recognisable. Their arching clumps of long, narrow foliage form a large mound, from the centre of which upright flower spikes bear the characteristic glowing red and orange flowers. Kniphofia ‘Ice Queen’ is one of the palest red hot pokers available. It bears tall, green-tipped white flower spikes between June. Red Hot Poker Plants. Red hot poker plants thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 10. Temperatures below 14 degrees Fahrenheit will harm these perennials. Rich, well-drained soil with a pH level between 6.6 and 7.5 provides an optimal growing environment for red hot poker plants. Apr 3, 2016 - When the appropriate time arrives, you?ll want to learn about cutting back red hot poker plants. For information about exactly when and how to trim a red hot poker plant. A fine architectural plant with striking vertical blooms, topped by blazing red, orange and yellow tapering flower heads, that really do resemble fiery hot pokers. Kniphofia are tough, long-lived plants, with a long flowering season (spring to late autumn). Family: Asphodelaceae Botanical Name: Kniphofia Common Names: red-hot poker, torch lily.

A fine architectural plant with striking verticalblooms, topped by blazing red, orange and yellowtapering flower heads, that really do resemble fieryhot pokers. Kniphofia are tough, long-livedplants, with a long flowering season (spring tolate autumn).

Family: Asphodelaceae
Botanical Name: Kniphofia
Common Names: red-hot poker, torchlily
Foliage: Perennial evergreen. Mid-greenstrap-like leaves.
Flowers: Tall striking flower spikesthat appear above the foliage on thick stems. The denselypacked, pendent, tubular flower heads range in colour from yellow to orange, pink and bright red (dependingon variety).
Flowering Period: April to October.
Soil: Moist, fertile, well-drainedsoil. Best in sand or loam. Acid or neutral pH.
: Full sun. South or west facingaspect. Exposed or sheltered position.
Habit: Tufted.
Type: Herbaceous perennial.
Origin: Southern and eastern Africaand Madagascar.
Hardiness: Hardy to half-hardy inthe UK.

Planting and Growing Kniphofia

Plant in early autumn or spring. Best grown ina well-drained, but not over rich soil. Choose an open sunny situation for best flowers.

Easy to grow given the right conditions. No stakingrequired. Excellent for city and coastal gardens. Idealfor borders, pots and containers. Dwarf forms are availablefor the rockery.

The tall stiff stems are loved by flower arrangers.

Taking Care of Kniphofia

Water container-grown plants regularly over thesummer. Protect more tender species with fleeceduring cold periods. Apply a light fertilizer in springor early summer.

Pruning Kniphofia

Deadhead after flowering. Leave the old foliageon the plant to protect the crown over winter. Tidyplants in spring by pulling away dead and damaged leavesa the base.

Pests and Diseases

Generally disease free. Can be damaged by slugsand snails. Regularly checkfor these pests hiding in amongst the leaves.

Propagating Kniphofia

Easily propagated by division in the spring or bytaking offshoots from the crown.

Seed can be sown inlate winter under glass. Grow-on in a cold frame andplant out the following spring (Note: namedcultivars will not come true from seed).

Kniphofia uvaria

Popular Varieties of Kniphofia Grown in the UK

There is an extensive range of Pokers available,ranging from tall to medium and dwarf height. Not allkniphofia flowers are red however, there is a wideselection of named varieties that provide a floweringseason from April to October,in colours varying from white through all the shadesof yellow, red and orange.

K. caulescens (S. Africa) is oneof the most striking species with evergreen longgrey leaves and pinkish-red flower spikes that fadeto cream. This is the only fully hardy kniphofia inthe UK. Height 4ft (1.2m), spread 2ft (60cm).

Red Hot Poker Plant Pruning

K. galpinii has drooping, red orangeflame coloured spikes. Height 3ft (1m), spread 1ft(30cm).

K. galpinii Bressingham Torchflame red ageing to orange yellow. Height to 3ft (90cm).

K. citrina has light yellow flowersthat appear in late summer. Height3ft (1m), spread 1ft (30cm).

K. northiae a good variety forits foliage, the agave-like leaves provide an exoticfeel. Hardy. Height up to 70in (170cm).

K. rooperi – unusual rounded flowersin orange, red and yellow. Blooms from September inthe UK. Height from 2 to 5ft (60-155cm).

K. triangularis has flame-colouredflowers in late summer. Height 2ft (60cm), spread 1ft(30cm).

K. thomsonii var. thomsonii 'Stern's Trip' hasdelicate, widely-spaced vertical flowers in red andorange that become brighter in colour as they open.Not fully hardy in UK. Height3 to 4ft (90-120cm).

K. uvaria has various forms thatcan grow up to 5ft (1.5m), in a range of bold colours.One of the most commonly grown and hardiest red-hot poker species.

K. uvaria ‘Nobilis’ (syns. 'Grandiflora','Maxima') is taller and earlier flowering, with deeporange flowers.

K. ‘Alcazar’ bears bright red flowers.Height to 5ft (1.5m).

K. ‘Bees' Sunset’ - soft orangeflower heads that fade to yellow on colourful bronzestems. Height to 4.5ft (130cm).

K. 'Bees' Lemon' has heavy spikes of luminous lemon yellow (August toSeptember) Height to 4ft (120cm).

K. ‘Border Ballet’ is in variousshades from cream to pink. Height to 2ft (60cm).

K. ‘Brimstone’ has green buds thatopen to yellow flowers (late flowering). Height to2ft (60cm).

K. ‘Buttercup’ has green buds which open intoyellow flowers (early flowering). Height to 3 ft (1m).

K. ‘Early Buttercup’ has large spikes of brightyellow flowers (early flowering). Height to 3 ft (1m).

K. ‘Fiery Fred’ blazing orange-red flowers. Height to 3ft (1m).

K. ‘Green Jade’ bears cool greenflowers. Height to 3 ft (1m).

K. ‘Ice Queen’ has cream flowers tinged with green.Height to 3 ft (1m).

K. ‘Jenny Bloom’ has cream and coral-pink flowers(late flowering). Height to 3 ft (1m).

K. ‘Little Maid’ has ivory flower spikes tipped with yellow. Dwarfvariety, reaching only 22in (55cm).

K. ‘Percy’s Pride’ has green and yellow flowers. Height to 2ft 8in (80cm).

K. ‘Samuel’s Sensation’ bears longspikes yellow flowers that change to red at thetips (late flowering). Height to 5ft (1.5m).

K. 'Sceptre’ has bright yellowflower spikes. Height to 3ft (1m).

K. 'Strawberries and Cream' pale yellow and rich pink. Height to 1.5ft (45cm).

K. ‘Sunningdale Yellow’ bears yellowflowers (long flowering period. Height to 2.5ft (75cm).


K. ‘Toffee Nosed' has cream flowerstipped with brown. Height to 3 ft (1m)

K. ‘Yellow Hammer’ has pure yellowflowers. Height to 2 ft (60cm).

K. ‘Tawny King’ an unusual varietywith bronze stems and tallflower spikes that change fromdeep orange though apricot to creamy white. Height3-4ft (90-130cm)

There are 68 species in the genus Kniphofia, all originating in southern and eastern Africa. They form clumps of grass-like finely toothed foliage with strong stems rising above the foliage with flowers that look-like glowing pokers or torches, hence the common name.

The blossoms open from the bottom to top over the course of several days and change color as the blossoms mature. Most varieties begin blooming by late June and some will re-bloom until frost.

Hybridizing has led to many different colors and sizes of plants for the gardener to choose from. Flower color ranges from coral red through shades of orange, peach, yellow to near white and light green. Size ranges from dwarf plants 14 inches tall to large 6 feet tall plants. Some are evergreen and some deciduous dependent on the species.

Kniphofia are a plant that can be used in the garden to make a statement, such as the 3 feet tall Kniphofia 'Apricot Soufflé', or used as a vertical accent in the perennial border. It is also has a unique structural look with the flowers stems rising above the foliage that would be a great addition to a tropical garden paired with purple or red-foliage cannas, or a more xeriscaped garden planted with Perovskia, Echinacea, and Penstemon.

Some of the smaller varieties also make nice additions to containers for summer bloom, and evergreen varieties give year-round interest. Kniphofia are attractive to hummingbirds and make a great addition to the hummingbird garden. They also make a great cut flower.

Kniphofia ‘Apricot Souffle’

Spikes of apricot flowers bloom June through August above deciduous strappy foliage reaching 3 ft tall and wide. Zone 6.

Kniphofia ‘Gladness’

This blooms early summer with apricot flowers emerging from deep orange buds. A smaller, evergreen torch lily reaching 30 in. tall and 24 in wide. Zn 6.

Kniphofia uvaria ‘Flamenco’

Classic yellow, orange, red flower spikes in June.

Grows 18-24' tall with blooms up to 36'.

Trimming Red Hot Poker Plants

Thrives in full sun zones 5-9.

Popsicle series

A newer award winning series with a huge array of dazzling colors.

Red Hot Poker Plant Pruning Roses

Grows 24-30' tall, compact 14-16' wide.

Red Hot Poker Plant Pruning

Very long bloom season summer to fall.

Zones 6-9

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Red Hot Poker Plant Pruning Shrubs

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